Thursday, November 22, 2018

2018 Autumnal Poem 1

Percolating for a while, the first of a handful of bad Autumnal poems for 2018. Some are written for a specific person or event, others written as a result of speculative reverie, wishes, dreams or pure fiction. Inspiration arrives at odd times and from odd places.

I have a cold. It is Thanksgiving and this poem came to me after what was no doubt a megadose of tryptophan and cranberry sauce.  Like all of my poems, it's not very good, but written in heartfelt earnest.

A few more to go before the poetry muse takes a rest for a few months.

Happy Thanksgiving!

2018 Autumnal Poem 1

The wind and your laughter, moving leaves and hearts in the quiet afternoon.
Sunsets and smiles, soul piercing an exquisite pain when seen alone and the moon

Rises while viewed miles apart, 
my hands grasp to impart
a claim as my own but shared not between we, 
but belonging to all who can see.

Autumn, with its promise to change, transform and harken the new,
As Winter's promise to come and go in months but a few

And the hopes of dreams and wishes made comes to pass
And the wind blows new leaves and 
hands held in a shared sunset, moonrise 
and lips kiss forever at last.

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