She is a woman of letters. She is a woman of science. She is a woman of the wild places. All of these things and all at once.
I promised her an Autumnal poem, and here it is. As always, poorly composed, written in earnest.
Magma Borne Woman
She sees the rock and hears magma and ancient seas
She sees the rock and feels the challenge to scale its
She sees the mountain and watches plates collide, fold and
She sees the mountain and hears the pine-scented wind
She sees the tree and calls it by name
She sees the tree and embraces under its shade
She sees the dying flower and knows when it will return
She sees the dying flower and breathes in the lingering
She sees the wild places and their place in the cycle of all
She sees the wild places and feels their rhythm and beauty
She sees all this and at times
Weeps with joySmiles with gratitude
And holds fast the mysteries
Of the things
She cannot see.
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